When the heat wave threatens, two common sense rules apply:
1) We avoid tightness at the armholes, arms, chest, waist, thighs and knees. Getting out of the tight and too tight pieces does not mean dressing with a bag.
2) We forget the synthetic materials that make you sweat. As we don’t all have the same internal thermal regulator, we listen to our body. For example, some suffocate in silk while others rely on its fluidity. We always have an interest in moving towards featherweight fabrics (muslin, cotton voile , lace, linen). And in order to limit the annoying folds which give a neglected appearance, we choose mixed fibers (linen-cotton, cotton-viscose, silk-cotton).
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Privileging lightness, isn’t it a bit too ole ole for a work dresscode ? No, because flared tank top does not mean yoga tank top, soft dress does not mean beach dress. Especially with details that give confidence: shoulders in their place, belt at the waist, cord to tie, clean cut, clean fall.
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